Vote FROM monday may 3rd to thursday may 6th, 2021


Dear UFV Students,

We recognize that this has been an incredibly tough year for everyone and as your Student Union, we would like to increase our contribution towards Student Funding. While we sometimes wish advocating for the end of the global pandemic was a viable option, we do have the ability to help alleviate some of the struggles you have faced by redistributing funds to students most in need.

This year, due to COVID-19, we received a credit issued by Desjardins, the SUS Health and Dental Provider. Because the Health and Dental Program funds are in a restricted account, we need your permission to move this money so we are able to use it to benefit you. We would like to move the total $103,584.85 credit we received to student funding, a move which would allow us to increase funding to Student Emergency Funding and the Food Bank, as well as various other bursaries and scholarships, such as the newly created Ethyl Gardner Entrance Award we established earlier this year to provide funding for Indigenous students.

The referendum question will appear as stated below:

“Do you support an investment of $103,584.85 towards Student Funding, from the COVID-19 credit issued to the Health and Dental Program?”

UFV students will be able to vote on this question between May 3rd -May 6th, and we hope that you are as excited as we are to help give back to students in an equitable and effective way! As always, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me or any of your other UFVSUS Executives if you have any comments, questions, concerns or ideas you would like to share! We look forward to seeing your votes!


Jessica L. Levesque,
SUS President


If you have any questions, please contact: vpinternal@ufvsus.ca or president@ufvsus.ca