The UFV Student Union Board of Directors comprises up to 14 elected student representatives, 4 of which are paid executive positions, an appointed Board Chair, and an optional Ex-Officio. The collective body acts as an oversight group for the Executives and Executive Director and oversees the high-level direction of the Society. They meet once a month to review reports and discuss and direct the long-term plans that impact students. 



+ Read Jayden's Bio!

What is your favourite thing about your role and the work you do for SUS?

Definitely the advocacy. The ability for me to take what students are feeling, what the pressing issues for students are, and bring that as a representative on their behalf, to the decision makers, the policy makers, the people with the authority to make changes. To be able to say these are the pressing issues for students, students are important for these reasons, you should listen to us, to be a voice for students.

Is there anything that your colleagues would be surprised to know about you?

I can solve a rubix cube in less than thirty seconds.

Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life?

My mom probably. Yeah, my mom.

What was your first job?

I had a paper route. I delivered newspapers when I was twelve.

If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?


What is the most useful advice you would give to other students from your own experience?

Buy used textbooks. Go to class. Get involved.



Vice President External

+ Read Roxy's Bio!

What is your favourite thing about your role and the work you do for SUS?

For me, it’s the advocacy! I am so ecstatic to get the opportunity to advocate on behalf of our student body at UFV and for students across Canada through the work we do with the Canadian Alliance of Student Associations (CASA). Addressing student needs and bringing them to the forefront to make impactful changes that benefit the day-to-day lives of our students is the most meaningful work that I can accomplish within my role at SUS.

Is there anything that your colleagues would be surprised to know about you?

In 2021 I made a New Year’s Resolution to go for a walk outdoors every single day regardless of the weather conditions. I have never missed a day since!

Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life?

My parents Jennifer and Peter have been two of the most major influences in my life. They have given me everything to get to where I am today, and I am immensely grateful for them. My former boss Sheila from the UFV Student Experience Office is the reason why I got so involved on campus. She taught me to make my university story one to tell. My former boss Cheryl from the UFV Campus Recreation & Active Living Department collaborated with me to create a Gender Inclusive Movement/Basketball Program for 2SLGBTQIA+ students and allies that ran from the Fall 2022 Semester to the Fall 2023 Semester. She influenced me to get involved in sports again and to start going to the gym. My professor and former boss Anastasia from the UFV Centre for Philosophy for Children and I put together a Thinking Club for school aged children in the Winter 2024 Semester. Anastasia has been one of my role models in pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree and I will be working on my Philosophy Honours Project with her as well.

What was your first job?

I was a Gymnastics Coach at Twisters Gym in Abbotsford when I was fifteen/sixteen years old.

If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?

If I could do anything in the world, I would ensure that every living being has access to food, water, shelter, and any other basic necessities.

What is the most useful advice you would give to other students from your own experience?

Get involved! Our university offers us so many amazing opportunities to engage with one another through classes, clubs and associations, events, sports, workshops, and jobs. The possibilities are endless! I encourage every student to explore their options because you never know what doors may open for you when you do. Follow your passion and be your authentic self!


Vice President Students

+ READ Bilal's Bio

What is your favourite thing about your role and the work you do for SUS?

Engaging with the students on the campus, organizing events, dealing with the C&As and building connections with other departments and people on and off campus. These things sum up most part of my portfolio so in a nutshell I enjoy every part of my role as the VPS.

Is there anything that your colleagues would be surprised to know about you?

I talk a lot. A LOT!

Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life?

My parents. The amount of effort they have put in to give me and my sisters the life we have is impossible to explain. They are my biggest supporters and they have influenced my life in so many ways that has shaped me to the person that I am today. I am the happiest when someone says that I remind them of my parents when they were my age.

What was your first job?

My first job was to assist my father in a book fair (I don't think he paid me for it tho, lol)

If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?

Be a professional footballer (American soccer)⚽︎ and become a pilot!

What is the most useful advice you would give to other students from your own experience?

Take your chance. You might regret it if you don't.


Vice president Internal

+ Read Harmanjot's Bio

What is your favourite thing about your role and the work you do for SUS?

SUS has an awesome work environment, and each day I feel motivated to come to work. one of the best things about my role is to overseeing the organization from within, I get to see how everything comes together. I have always been fascinated by how things work and I believe my role as VPI has given me the opportunity to do so.

Is there anything that your colleagues would be surprised to know about you?

Hmmm, am pretty much an open book, however, I believe there is this one recipe I have which they might be surprised to hear about as whenever I tell my friends about it, they react rather oddly to it, I like to eat scrabbled eggs with yogurt for breakfast.

Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life?

The people I have around me have been my biggest influence, From my Highschool teacher telling me, "Oh you...yeah you can easily be one of the top students" to Jayden say, "doesn't matter if you are a freshmen, you still have a chance of winning the election." and many more, Its the people who give me strength and I thank every single one of them for being there for me.

What was your first job?

I started as a Produce Clerk at No-frills.

If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?

If I could do anything in world.... I never really thought much about this but thinking about it right now, I would love to travel, meet more people from different backgrounds, different cultures and just spend my time getting to know them. A lot of my motivation comes from people and the bond that humans can make with complete strangers is what drives me.

What is the most useful advice you would give to other students from your own experience?

This world has so many opportunities to offer, don't hold yourself back. The fear of the unknown can be a lot; however, their can be excitement in that.




+ Read Balkarn's Bio

Balkarn's bio will be available soon!

Tanvir Hundal


+ Read Tanvir's Bio

Tanvir's bio will be available soon!




+ Read Nichaela's Bio

Nichaela's bio will be available soon!

simran-Preet Kaur


+ Read Simranpreet's Bio

Simranpreet's bio will be available soon!


prabcharN Mahal


+ Read Prabcharn's Bio

Prabhcharn's bio will be available soon!



+ Read Tanvi's Bio

Tanvi's bio will be available soon!




+ Read Chance's Bio

Chance's bio will be available soon!



+ Read Jaskirat's Bio

Jaskirat's bio will be available soon!


Daria Tsynda


+ Read Daria's Bio

Daria's bio will be available soon!


Indigenous Student Representative

+ Read Shanna's Bio

Shanna's bio will be available soon!



Executive Director

+ Read Olivia's Bio

What is your favourite thing about your role and the work you do for SUS?

One of the best things about working at SUS (there are many) is our team. There is a wealth of knowledge, experience and a variety of backgrounds that make being part of SUS dynamic and meaningful.

Is there anything that your colleagues would be surprised to know about you?

I am a huge Formula 1 motor-racing fan. I grew up watching the sport with my father in England and now enjoy watching every race with my husband and my young son, who is actually named after a famous F1 driver.

Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life?

I lived and volunteered in the North End of Winnipeg 2001/02. It was a particularly cold winter with many days hitting -45C after windchill. I had very little money, no phone, TV or vehicle and the work was very challenging at times. I met some life-long friends and found much beauty in unexpected places. While it was an intense character-building experience, Winnipeg will always hold a special place in my heart.

What was your first job?

My first full-time job was as a Travel Agent booking ski vacations in Europe. I continued working as a Specialist Travel Consultant for several years before attending University as a mature student.

If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?

I’m a fairly ambitious person so it is tough for me to narrow it down to one thing but I would really like to take my son to watch a live F1 race in Hanoi, Vietnam when he is a bit older.

What is the most useful advice you would give to other students from your own experience?

Tap into community. Whether it is through extra-curricular activities, joining a club, or through part-time work, a community can help you through the intensity of studying and keeps you connected to people and the world.


Board chair

+ Read Ashley's Bio

What is your favourite thing about your role and the work you do for SUS?

That’s a great question. My favourite part about my work at SUS is honestly the ability to represent students at UFV. That sounds cheesy I know, but it’s true. Whether it’s working towards planning Kickback or other events, I want to plan more Abbotsford Canucks events, or whether it’s doing advocacy – obviously starting as VPE that was a big part of my role and really motivates me to continue my work. We had the meeting with the minister the other day which was amazing. Just representing students through advocacy as well as hosting fun events students want to see.

Is there anything that your colleagues would be surprised to know about you?

Honestly that’s hard to answer because I’m an open book. I don’t hide anything, so to me it’s a hard question. I’m musical, I play piano.

Who or what has been the biggest influence in your life?

I’m going to have to say my family. They’ve instilled a lot of the values that I uphold in my life today, so probably my family.

What was your first job?

I worked at McDonalds for five years. That was my first job and the only job I had before working at SUS. I was a manager there. Started off as your classic crew member, then I was a crew trainer, then I was a manager.

If you could do anything in the world, what would it be?

In terms of like a job? I would be the Prime Minister of Canada.

What is the most useful advice you would give to other students from your own experience?

That’s such a great question. I would say, just get involved on campus. That is the biggest piece of advice I would give to any student here. Especially at UFV, which is a commuter campus, it can be easy to just go to class and go home and that’s what I did for my first bit of time at UFV, but I found that once you put yourself out there – whether it’s showing up to an event or running for a position on the SUS Board or even the UFV Board – that’s something that will really add a lot to your education and your experience and help you to meet new people, make new friends, and new connections.

Board meeting dates are posted in our Events Calendar

To view the most recent agenda and minutes, visit our Minutes and Reports page

To learn more about how to become a SUS Board member take a look at our Election pages