Follow us on X (Twitter) @ufvsus for the latest shuttle updates.


Starting January 16, 2025.

Students must scan their physical Campus Card to ride the campus shuttle. If you don’t have a UFV Campus Card, please visit the Campus Card office.

*Please note: Photos or copies of your Campus Cards will not be accepted for boarding.

Where’s the Shuttle?

Track Your Shuttle's Live Location: GPS Enabled!

Say goodbye to the days of wondering when the shuttle will arrive. Our shuttles now come equipped with GPS tracking, making it possible for you to check where it's at. So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the peace of mind.


*This schedule is subject to change.

*Traffic and/or weather conditions may affect arrival/departure times.

*All regularly scheduled Campus Shuttles are wheelchair accessible.

Abbotsford To Chilliwack


Departure Time ETA Chilliwack
Trades & Tech
ETA Canada
Education Park
# of
6:30 AM 7:00 AM 7:02 AM 20 Yes
6:45 AM 7:15 AM 7:17 AM 20 Yes
7:00 AM 7:30 AM 7:32 AM 20 Yes
7:40 AM 8:10 AM 8:12 AM 20 Yes
7:55 AM 8:25 aM 8:27 AM 20 Yes
8:10 AM 8:40 AM 8:42 AM 20 Yes
8:50 AM 9:20 AM 9:22 AM 20 Yes
9:05 AM 9:35 AM 9:37 AM 20 Yes
10:15 AM 10:45 AM 10:47 AM 20 Yes
11:10 AM 11:40 AM 11:42 AM 20 Yes
11:25 AM 11:55 AM 11:57 AM 20 Yes
12:05 PM 12:55 PM 12:57 PM 20 Yes
12:35 PM 1:05 PM 1:07 PM 20 Yes
1:30 PM 2:00 PM 2:02 PM 20 Yes
2:05 PM 2:35 PM 2:37 PM 20 Yes
2:40 PM 3:10 PM 3:12 PM 20 Yes
3:15 PM 3:45 PM 3:47 PM 20 Yes
3:50 PM 4:20 PM 4:22 PM 20 Yes
4:25 PM 4:55 PM 4:57 PM 20 Yes
5:35 PM 6:05 PM 6:07 PM 20 Yes
5:55 PM 6:25 PM 6:27 PM 20 Yes
7:40 PM 8:10 PM 8:12 PM 20 Yes
8:50 PM 9:20 PM 9:22 PM 20 Yes
10:05 PM 10:35 PM 10:37 PM 20 Yes


Chilliwack To Abbotsford


cep abby
Departure Time
ETA Abbotsford # of
7:05 AM 7:35 AM 20 Yes
7:20 AM 7:50 AM 20 Yes
7:35 AM 8:05 AM 20 Yes
8:15 AM 8:45 AM 20 Yes
8:30 AM 9:00 AM 20 Yes
8:45 AM 9:15 AM 20 Yes
9:25 AM 9:55 AM 20 Yes
9:40 AM 10:10 AM 20 Yes
10:50 AM 11:20 AM 20 Yes
11:30 AM 12:00 PM 20 Yes
11:45 AM 12:15 PM 20 Yes
12:00 PM 12:30 PM 20 Yes
12:40 PM 1:10 PM 20 Yes
1:10 PM 1:40 PM 20 Yes
2:05 PM 2:35 PM 20 Yes
2:40 PM 3:10 PM 20 Yes
3:15 PM 3:45 PM 20 Yes
3:50 PM 4:20 PM 20 Yes
4:25 PM 4:55 PM 20 Yes
5:00 PM 5:30 PM 20 Yes
6:10 PM 6:40 PM 20 Yes
6:30 PM 7:00 PM 20 Yes
8:15 PM 8:45 PM 20 Yes
9:25 PM 9:55 PM 20 Yes
10:40 PM 11:10 PM 20 Yes


Accessibility is one of the Student Union Society’s core values. In support of accessibility, We offer the opportunity for students/people with mobility limitations to reserve a seat on the SUS Campus Shuttle. While reservations are not required, we encourage you to reserve your seat so that your driver can prepare for you. Reservations can be made by completing the below form. Please note, if you do not receive a verification email, your request has not been submitted successfully.

Once you complete the form below, the SUS Services Team will contact you to verify your information. All students must have their Campus Card available which may be requested by the SUS Campus Shuttle Driver prior to boarding.

The SUS Shuttle operates on a first-come-first-served basis. However, students with reservations will have their seat held until the listed departure time, at which point if another student is waiting to board and they are not present, the seat may be used by a waiting passenger. Should there be a delay, cancelation, or change in shuttle accessibility, all students with a reservation that will be affected will be contacted directly with as much advance warning as possible.

Please complete the form below to reserve your seat.



Update: Effective January 2024, UFV students will not be able to opt out of the SUS Campus Shuttle fee. During the COVID-19 pandemic, which prompted the transition to online classes, SUS temporarily accommodated opt-out requests for the shuttle in conjunction with the UPASS. After an extended grace period, we have reinstated our original policy with opt-out requests being assessed for UPASS and Health and Dental fees only for those that meet the qualifications.


For students seeking to get in touch with our shuttle service provider, LuxBus, there are a couple of convenient options available. Feel free to reach out to them at to address any questions or concerns you may have. Alternatively, if you prefer direct interaction, our friendly drivers will gladly assist you.


Any lost and found items from the Shuttle buses will be returned to the SUS office, after each week they will be given to the security office in Building B (B120). If you have any questions or concerns please feel free email us at

On-board Wi-Fi

Update: We are currently experiencing Wi-Fi connectivity issues on the shuttle buses and are actively working on resolving the problem.

Our team is investigating the issue to restore services as soon as possible. We apologies for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your patience.

Updates will be provided as more information becomes available.

Campus Shuttle Wifi


Scan the QR code on the shuttle for automatic connection. If you encounter any connectivity glitches, don't sweat it; contact us or swing by the SUS office desk, and we'll get you back online in no time.

Bike Racks

Bring Your Bike: Convenient Bike Rack! The bikes don't have to be left behind! Go #explore!!
Weight Limit: 55 LBS


It's hot out there, but worry not because we've got you covered. Say goodbye to sweltering temperatures and embrace the coolness of our AC-equipped shuttle. Sit back, relax, and let the cool breeze welcome you on board!

+ Grace Period

UFVSUS offers a grace period for the Campus Shuttle at the start of each semester.

During the grace periods, students will be able to access the Inter-Campus Shuttle without a valid Campus Card.

  • Fall: September 1st-15th
  • Winter: January 1st-15th
  • Summer: May 1st-15th

Service Suspended on:

  • Saturdays, Sundays
  • Extreme Weather Conditions
  • Labour Day, September 2nd
  • NDTR, September 30th
  • Thankgiving, October 14th
  • Remembrance Day, November 11th
  • Holiday Break, December 18 to January 1
  • Family Day, February 17th
  • Good Friday, March 29th
  • Easter Monday, April 1st
  • Victoria Day, May 19nd
  • Canada Day, July 1st
  • BC Day, August 4th


Abbotsford Station:

The Abby shuttle stop is located South of the Student Union Building (Building S), next to the basketball court.

Chilliwack Stations:

  • Trades and Tech Centre

The Trades and Tech Centre shuttle stop is located by the Building T drop-off area - right outside the main entrance.

  • Canada Educational Park

The CEP shuttle stop is located along Festuburt road near the shipping and recieving area at Building A.