Welcome to Winter 2022!

Happy New Year’s Everyone!


I hope you all had a fun and restful holiday break. As we enter the New Year and winter semester, we are hit with more uncertainty. Despite most of us having to transition to online learning once again, I can assure you that SUS will remain actively involved with you, our student members to ensure everyone feels supported and your voices are heard. I am very optimistic about the year to come and excited about the programs and events SUS will be bringing this year for everyone.

This year we will be focusing on IMPACT, one of our core values. We believe in ensuring that our services meaningfully empower and add value to our members’ post-secondary experience. Over the next four months, we will be concentrating on mental health, engagement through our events, and a series of videos that provide insight on UFV policy, including some that everyone will be able to engage and interact with. As always, we will continue to advocate for student interests and ensure the safety and wellbeing of our membership are met.

On behalf of the SUS team, I would like to wish you all a Happy New Year! The year may not have started off how we would have hoped, but I am very positive that as the year continues, we will bounce back better and stronger than before. I am excited for another year with everyone and look forward to hearing about all the things you want to see in 2022!

Your UFV-SUS President,

Nikiel Lal