UFV Student Union Society

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Fall Reading Break

Discussion about a Fall reading break has been a hot topic at UFV recently. SUS has been strongly advocating for a reading break in the Fall semester as a way of supporting students’ mental health. This has started many conversations in the UFV community and in UFV’s Senate  surrounding the possibility of a Fall reading break. After two presentations from SUS to Senate and much discussion and debate, Senate made the decision to move forward with a Fall reading break in upcoming Fall semesters.

At the public Senate meeting on Friday, February 13th, UFV senators voted unanimously to approve a new Fall academic calendar with the inclusion of a Fall reading break surrounding Remembrance Day. In the upcoming Fall 2023 semester, the new reading break will take place from November 11th to 15th. SUS is happy to see the success of this important advocacy project and to see UFV’s Senate prioritize students’ mental wellbeing by including a reading break in the Fall semester.

- Ashley McDougall, SUS VP - External